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Selectmen Minutes 5-20-14
Town of Hanson - Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes – Hanson Town Hall
May 20, 2014

Members Present:        Donald Howard, Stephen Amico, William Scott, David Soper & Bruce Young
Members Absent: 
Others Present:         Town Administrator  Ronald San Angelo
Executive Assistant Meredith Marini

7:30 p.m.       Town Administrator Ron San Angelo called the meeting to order and requested that  Mr. Soper lead the Pledge of Allegiance,

II      SWEARING  IN OF NEWLY ELECTED OFFICIALS Town Clerk Elizabeth Sloan was present and swore in the newly elected officials who were in attendance, Selectman William Scott, Selectman Bruce Young and Planning Board Member Donald Ellis.

Mr. San Angelo read the Public Announcements & Upcoming meeting


Reorganize the Board

Mr. San Angelo requested nominations for Chairman.

Mr. Amico nominated Mr. Young as Chairman, nomination seconded by Mr. Howard.  Mr. Young appreciated the nomination but declined the nomination indicating that he feels the chairmanship should be on a rotating basis.

Mr. Young nominated, Mr. Soper as Chairman, nomination seconded by Mr. Scott. Voted 3 – 1 - 1 Howard against,  Amico abstain.

Chairman Soper called for nominations for Vice Chairman.

Mr. Scott nominated Mr. Young as Vice Chairman, nomination seconded by Chairman Soper.  
Voted 5 - 0

Chairman Soper called for nominations for Clerk.
Mr. Young nominated Mr. Scott as Clerk, nomination seconded by Chairman Soper.  Voted 5 – 0


Holiday Committee – Request permission to use Town Hall Green for Bon Fire and Summer Kick-off event on Sat. July 12th from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

MOTION by Howard, second by Young to approve the use of Town Hall Green for a bon fire and summer kick-off event on Saturday, July 12th  Voted 5 – 0

Mary Collins as the Old Colony Elder Services Representative – Term to Expire June 30, 2015

MOTION by  Howard, second by Young to reappoint Mary Collins as the Old Colony Elder Services representative.  Voted 5 – 0

Appointment - Michael Fleming 1282 Whitman Street – Alternate to the Agricultural Commission.  Term to Expire June 30, 2017

MOTION by Young, second by Howard to appoint Mr. Fleming as an Alternate to the Agricultural Commission.  Term to expire June 30, 2017.  Voted 5 – 0

IV      TOWN ADMINISTRATOR’S REPORT     Mr. San Angelo informed the Board of the unfunded pension liability for the Plymouth Country retirement.  Hanson is unfunded by $12 - $14 Million dollars.  A chart was included in the Board’s Packets explaining the plan.  The County Commissioners have had ongoing discussions regarding the bonding of the unfunded amount.  A bill has been  pending the in the legislature. Mr. Farmer of the Retirement Board is willing to meet with the Board to discuss the process. The interest rates are at a historic low and bonding would be a good option.    Mr. San Angelo will invite Mr. Farmer to a meeting.  If legislation passes for the bonding, the Town has 60 days to opt out of the process.

Facilities report – Mr. San Angelo distributed to the new board members copies of the Facilities Report which was conducted through the Town Accountant’s office by Financial Advisory, Inc.   The report highlights the costs for the repairs for all town owned buildings.  Mr. San Angelo will be meeting with the Capital Improvement committee to establish a course of action and insure that the items listed in the report are added to the Capital Improvement matrix.  He will also be meeting with Department Heads to review the report. The Board will have to decide how to fund the repairs.  Some of the funds will need to be debt exclusions as Free Cash will not be enough to fund all the work.  Mr. San Angelo requested input from the Board members.  

Mr. Young indicated that the Stabilization fund had been used in the past for capital repairs.  He pointed out that the May Town Meeting contained an article for the Whitman Hanson Regional School District for a stabilization fund.  The Town of Whitman had a second article for the establishment of a school only stabilization fund.  Mr. Young is in favor of such article for Hanson schools.  He noted that the Whitman Finance Committee unanimously voted for the establishment of a local stabilization fund but did not recommend the regional stabilization fund.  

Contracts – Mr. San Angelo indicated that the BadgeQuest contract has been signed for the Sergeant Assessment and BadgeQuest will be working with the Police Chief to start the assessment.

Mr. San Angelo also noted that the contracts have been signed for solid waste removal.  He received notice from the regional recycling director that Hanson has the best rate for tipping fees which is $55.00 per ton.  

Mr. San Angelo met with the current hauler, Allied Waste, whose contract will expire in November.  Allied is willing to reconfigure the containers in anticipation of the start of the new hauling contractor, ABC Services.

Mr. Howard is concerned about the staffing at the Transfer Station and feels it is a safety issue.  Mr. San Angelo agrees the staffing levels are low and would like to increase the staff.  He hopes the revenues raised from the Pay As You Throw program will accommodate more staff.  

Mr. Scott indicated that while serving on the Board of Health he addressed the issue of opening the transfer station on Sunday.  He noted however, that the facilities would have to be closed early when the containers were full.  Mr. San Angelo indicated that he had reviewed the strategies with respect to coverage.  

Mr. San Angelo had met earlier with the Board of Health relative to the new electronic monitoring system which reads license plates to identify Hanson residents.  He is investigating the units.  If implemented, fines will be issued to non-residents.  The Transfer Station will be issuing new stickers to be effective July 1, 2014.  The funds from the $18,000 state grant will be used to purchase new stickers.    

Mr. Amico suggested that attaching the fine to the registration through the Registry of Motor Vehicles.  

Richard Hickey questioned the why there is a need for a sticker if the monitoring the system is in place.  Mr. San Angelo isn’t sure whether the Town will be purchasing the monitoring system. New stickers need to be issued to get an accurate count of the number of residents using the facility.

Mr. Scott suggested that a town-wide sticker which provides entrance to various locations around town, such a Cranberry Cove.  Mr. Scott inquired as to who will be researching the violations and whether additional staffing will be required.  Mr. San Angelo noted that there will be additional work for the clerical staff to review the data and send notices.  

Mr. Constantine indicated that when on the Board of Health he did the initial research of recognition software and the notification is sent to the Board of Health.  The staff will have to send notice to the vehicle owner that they are in violation.

                Harris Stone Property Purchase - Purchase of real property on West Washington and Holmes Street from Harris E. Stone for conservation and passive recreation purposes.

Phil Clemons was present and indicated that the title search of the property has been completed.  Two small parcels within the entire property which have title defects, but they do not have an adverse affect on the property.  He noted that time is of the essence with respect to the State grant funds which expire on June 30th.

MOTION by Amico, second by Howard to move forward with the purchase of the property in spite of the minor defects in the title which has been reviewed and approved by Town Counsel and the State.

Mr. San Angelo explained the process for the title search and review of the title.

So voted 5 - 0
        May 13, 2014 - Tabled

        Monponsett Pond – Mr. Howard reported that the Monponsett Pond is moving freely.  Brockton has been using more water than the Water Act allows.  The committee is monitoring the use.

        School Building Committee – Mr. Amico did not attend the meeting last night to avoid a quorum issue as both Mr. Scott and Mr. Young attended.  Mr. San Angelo reported the Committee had to respond to MSBA explaining why the project failed.  Mr. San Angelo felt it was simply the cost and the confusion over the process.  The committee discussed what the future holds.  Mr. San Angelo felt that the committee would be dissolved after the letter is sent to MSBA.  He believes a new building committee would be established.  Discussion regarding the repairs may require a new committee.  MSBA may provide reimbursement for some specific repairs for boilers, roofs and windows.  However the School Committee must request the money from MSBA.  If MSBA money is used, the Town is required to use MSBA approved contractors.  The School district does the borrowing for the school.  
Mr. Amico explained that over 200 applications are received by MSBA on an annual basis.  The awards are very competitive.  Mr. Young said that the work needs to be prioritized, which would include the roof at Indian Head, boilers at Maquan and the lentils at Indian Head.   

The Town cannot go out and get its own contractors if using MSBA funds.  He indicated that a group needs to be established to review the project and needs of the school.  Mr. Young would like to have a fresh set of eyes on the project.  Possibly 5 to 7 people including two people from the school.  

Mr. Depina asked about the money spent on the $500,000 feasibility and whether it can be used for other property.  Mr. Amico indicated that portions of the study can be used.  The study has a timeline and it will have to be updated.  The schematic designs cannot be used.  

MSBA dictates who is on building committees if MSBA funding are utilized. MSBA has very specific guidelines.  If the town solely funds the project, the town can choose who serves on the committee.

        Activities Committee – Mr. Amico reported there will be a bon fire on July 12th, lots of activities and Calvery Baptist Church will be co-sponsoring the event. Mr. San Angelo informed the Board the Hanson Day event is growing every day.  All the organizations met at Camp Kiwanee during the last meeting to view the sites.  He has been working with the police chief to provide parking along the east side of Indian Head Street.  Some funding has been provided by Recreation to pay for transportation. He feels the event is a good thing for the Town and it is good way to promote Camp Kiwanee.

Mr. Young announced that there is an opening on the Capital Improvement Committee due Mr. Egan’s resignation.

VIII    EXECUTIVE SESSION-  - Chairman Soper announced that the Board will be going into executive session to conduct strategy sessions in preparation for negotiations with non-union personnel or to conduct collective bargaining sessions or contract negotiations with non-union personnel  – Police Lieutenant and to discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining or litigation if an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the bargaining or litigating position of the public body and the chair so declares –Police Union

So moved by Howard, second by Amico to go into Executive Session.  Roll Call Howard aye, Amico aye, Soper aye, Young aye and Scott aye  Voted 5 – 0.

8:50 p.m.  Brief Recess

9:41 p.m. Return to open session


MOTION by Amico, second by Howard to adjourn.  Voted 5 – 0.

9:41 p.m. Meeting Adjourned

                        Respectfully submitted,

                        Meredith Marini,
                        Executive Assistant
Approved and Voted 5 – 0
                                                        June 3, 2014